Mar 11, 2016

beetle convertibleSpringtime brings with it a desire to get outside and enjoy the weather. After a few months of being cooped up inside through Winter, it’s only natural to want to stretch out, explore a bit, experience the nicer temperatures, and let the sun hit you. But, if all you’re doing is going from the inside of your home to the inside of your car, you aren’t really getting the full experience of being outdoors. If you’re just trading the air conditioner inside your house for the air conditioner in your car, you’re missing out on everything Spring time has to offer in South Louisiana. You’re missing out on having the wind in your hair. You’re missing out on that warmth you feel on the back of your neck from the sun when you’re stopped at a red light. You’re also missing out on the olfactory experience (that’s a fancy way of saying you’re missing all the smells). You miss out on the smell of sweet Southern air as dusk turns into night, the smell of someone lighting a BBQ pit, or the ultimate, the smell of a crawfish boil nearby.

There are a multitude of reasons why you start seeing convertibles on the road this time of year, and when it comes to convertibles, the Beetle is far and away one of the most iconic. It has a classic, instantly recognizable look. It features all the amenities and features you expect from a Volkswagen. It’s also affordable. So, we have put together a list of the 5 reasons to buy a convertible Beetle in Lafayette.


  1. A convertible eliminates blind spots. – How many times have you checked your rear view mirror and seen part of the frame around your rear windshield? How many times have you gone to change lanes, looked over your left shoulder, and caught a glimpse of the c-pillar (the column between the front and back seats that supports the vehicle’s structure) instead of the car in the next lane? When you put the top down on your convertible, all these obstructions are gone; leaving you with a full range of sight.


  1. Convertibles are fun. When is the last time you saw an unhappy person driving around with the top down? Seriously. Everything mentioned above; the wind in your air, the sun on your face, and the smells of Spring (or crawfish) make a person happier. And this isn’t just our opinion. This is science. So why do something like put a roof and windows in between you and what is sure to make you happy?



  1. Forces You to Keep a Clean Car. Admit it, we all keep a cleaner house when we know company is coming over. Well, when you have a convertible, you never know when that company will be popping in. By giving everyone a first-hand look at your level of cleanliness, most people will step up their efforts to keep things tidy. Plus, if you do have trash in your car, like papers, napkins, and such, you run the risk of littering if the wind catches them and they fly out while you’re driving. As a responsible citizen, you will likely do your best to minimize that.


  1. A convertible fosters an interest in science. With a convertible, you are pushing your children towards embracing the wonders of the world and the heavens above. Take your kids for a night drive with the top down and let them look at the stars. You will spark their curiosity in a way that you simply can’t when they look up and see a ceiling. During the day, explore some back roads with the top down and let them experience nature without having a rolled up window in their way and a movie to distract them.


  1. You just look cooler. Sonny Crockett from Miami Vice, The gang from Entourage, Austin Powers, and Cindy Mancini from Can’t Buy Me Love were all really cool. You know what they had in common? They all drove convertibles. Ferris Bueller didn’t have a car of his own, but when given the opportunity, he opted for a convertible. Conversely, we can’t cite one instance in film or TV where a person in a convertible was anything other than cool.


While there are many other reasons to consider a convertible, and even more reasons to make a Beetle your convertible of choice, we wanted to share a few “outside the box” ideas. Because after all, the best way to get outside the box is to take the top off of the box.

Click here to view our inventory of convertible Beetles.